The latest parish, diocesan, and community news related to SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish
- DożynkiDear Parishoners, Kochani Parafianie, We invite you to join us for our annual Dozynki celebration, which will coincide with Archbishop Christopher Coyne’s visit to our parish on Sunday, September 15, 2024, at the 11:30 AM Mass. As always, a delicious lunch and refreshments will be served in the lower church hall following the Mass. We… Read more: Dożynki
- ZAPRASZAMY NA ROZWAŻANIA BIBLIJNE!Wspólnota “Pójdź za Mną” serdecznie zaprasza na wznowienie comiesięcznych spotkań z Pismem Świętym. Kiedy: Trzeci piątek każdego miesiąca, począwszy od 20 września.Gdzie: Dolna sala kościoła.Godzina: 19:00 (7:00 wieczorem).Prowadzący: Ks. Adam. O czym będziemy rozmawiać? Podczas spotkań będziemy wspólnie zgłębiać Słowo Boże, dzieląc się refleksjami i doświadczeniami. Co warto zabrać ze sobą? Dla kogo są te… Read more: ZAPRASZAMY NA ROZWAŻANIA BIBLIJNE!
- DożynkiOn Sunday, September 15, 2024, our parish will host the Annual Dozynki combined with Archbishop Christopher Coyne’s visit at the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Following the Mass, we will have a lunch and refreshments for parishioners and guests in the lower church hall. Your help is essential in making this important parish event a success. Please… Read more: Dożynki
- Nauka religii szuka wolontariuszyProgram nauki religii (CCD) przy parafii św. Cyryla i Metodego w Hartford szuka dwóch wolontariuszy w wieku 18+ lat. Kiedy: Soboty, 8:45-10:00 Gdzie: Dawny budynek szkoły św. Cyryla i Metodego, 45 Groton St., Hartford, CT Okres: Wrzesień-maj (zgodnie z kalendarzem szkolnym) Jeśli chcesz podzielić się swoją wiarą z młodszym pokoleniem, dołącz do naszego zespołu! Kontakt:… Read more: Nauka religii szuka wolontariuszy
- CCD Program Volunteers Needed!The SS. Cyril and Methodius Church CCD Program is looking for two volunteers, age 18 or older, to teach CCD this year. CCD takes place from 8:45 to 10:00 AM on Saturday mornings and is located in the former SS. Cyril and Methodius School building at 45 Groton St., Hartford, CT. Classes follow the school… Read more: CCD Program Volunteers Needed!
- Where did the feast of Divine Mercy come from?Question:Where did the feast of Divine Mercy come from?Answer:If you were born well before the year 2000, you know the feast of Divine Mercy has not always beencelebrated in the Church. In the early 1900s, a young Polish nun began receiving private revelations. Jesusappeared to her during her times of prayer, speaking a message of… Read more: Where did the feast of Divine Mercy come from?
- Msza Święta Rezurekcyjnej 2024Resurrection (Easter Morning) Mass, 2024. Celebrated by Rev Andrzej Pogorzelski, former vicar of the parish and retired priest in the Diocese of Lomza, Poland.
- Archbishop Blair’s Visit to the ParishOn Sunday, March 3, 2024, His Excellency, Archbishop Blair visited our parish to celebrate the holy sacrifice of the Mass at 10 am. Reverend Adam Hurbanczuk, Pastor, and Reverend Edmund Karwoski cocelebrated. The mass was attended by many parishioners and marked the last visit by the Archbishop before he retires. Photos are courtesy of the… Read more: Archbishop Blair’s Visit to the Parish
- St. Joseph Medal / Medal Św. Józefa 2024Each year the Archdiocese of Hartford awards the St.Joseph Medal to a parishioner or couple from each parish in recognition of their faithful service to the parish. Each year the Archdiocese of Hartford awards the St. Joseph Medal to a parishioner or couple from each parish in recognition of their faithful service to the parish.The… Read more: St. Joseph Medal / Medal Św. Józefa 2024
- Mass ChangesEffective January 1, 2024 the following schedule applies for the celebration of masses Celebration of the Eucharist WeekdaysMonday, Wednesday, Friday 7:30 am (English) Tuesday, Thursday 7:30 am (Polish)Saturday morning 8:00am (Polish) Saturday Vigil & SundayConfession 3:00pm – 4:00pmSaturday 4:00 pm (English, vigil mass)Sunday 8:30 am (Polish),10:00 am (English),11:30 am (Polish) First Friday of the MonthAdoration of the Blessed Sacrament… Read more: Mass Changes
- We invite you to see our beautiful new SzopkaOur Church is proud to display a magnificent new“Szopka” is the centerpiece of this year’s mangerscene which was designed and created by GerardKrysiński, one of our parishioners.Every piece ofthe structure was meticulously hand-crafted, usingmany different kinds and hues of wood and handburnished to give it the authentic look of a typicalrural Polish shed.The detail is… Read more: We invite you to see our beautiful new Szopka
- Święto NiepodległościOur Parish was visited by the Attaché to the Polish Embassy in the United States to celebrate Polish Independence Day.Naszą parafię odwiedził attaché Ambasady Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Stanach Zjednoczonych, aby świętować Narodowe Święto Niepodległości Polski.
- DozynkiOn Sunday, September 25 , 2022 at 11:30 a.m. Ourparish will celebrate „Dozynki Mass” in Polish.All parishioners, members of the Parish Societies,CCD Children, Polish Saturday School and Scouts areinvited to participate. W niedzielę 25 września 2022 r. Na Mszy Św. godz.11:30 zostanie odprawiona msza Dozynkowa.Zapraszamy wszystkich parafia oraz organizacje,młodzież szkolną i harcerską do wzięcia udziału… Read more: Dozynki
- CCDThe SS.Cyril and Methodius CCD Program is lookingfor a couple of adult volunteers. It’s on Saturday from8:30 am to 10:00 am from midSeptember to midMay.Anyone interested please contact Cheryl Pietrychaat 8609776868. Even if you could only volunteer acouple times a month that would be appreciated.Sincerely Cheryl Pietrycha, Director of ReligiousEducation. CCD Program poszukuje kilku dorosłych… Read more: CCD
- First Communion/Pierwsza Komunia
- Easter Vigil Mass
- Easter Resurrection Mass – Msza Święta Rezurekcyjna
- Good Friday – Mass Recording
- Holy Thursday – Mass Recording
- Stations of the Cross (Droga Krzyżowa)
- Ministranci i LektorzyNasza parafia poszukuje Ministrantów i Lektorów podczas polskich i angielskich mszy. Jeśli uczęszczacie do kościoła i chcielibyście podzielić się swoim talentem to bardzo prosimy o kontakt telefoniczny (860)522-9157 lub osobisty. Każda pomoc bardzo mile widziana.
- 2021 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal – Reaching Out, Healing TogetherThe Archbishop’s Annual Appeal helps provide the critical funding needed to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, counsel those in despair, offer much-needed assistance to the unemployed, and make medical care available to those without health insurance. Your gift to the 2021 Appeal will help to continue these and other vital ministries, services, and programs… Read more: 2021 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal – Reaching Out, Healing Together
- First Communion (Pierwsza Komunia)The sacrament of First Communion shall be celebrated at the Church on Saturday, March 1, 2021 at the 10:00am mass. Prior to this, the First Confession, the sacrament of Reconciliation,w will be held on Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 1:00pm. Sakrament Pierwszej Komunii Świętej w naszej parafii będzie udzielany w sobotę 1 maja 2021 roku… Read more: First Communion (Pierwsza Komunia)
- Spowiedź WielkanocnaŚroda 24 Marca 2021Od 7:30 do 8:30 rano i od 6:00 do 7:00 wieczoremCzwartek 25 Marca 2021Od 7:30 do 8:30 rano i od 6:00 do 7:00 wieczoremPiątek 26 Marca 2021Od 6:00 do 7:00 wieczoremSobota 27 Marca 2021Od 8:00 do 9:00 rano i od 3:00 do 4:00 po południu
- Lenten Confession ScheduleThe schedule for the sacrament of confession prior to Holy Week is as follows: Wednesday, March 247:30am – 8:40am6:00pm – 7:00pmThursday, March 257:30am – 8:40am6:00pm – 7:00pmFriday, March 266:00pm – 7:00pmSaturday, March 278:00am – 9:00am3:00pm – 4:00pm
- Polish Cultural Club of Greater Hartford Scholarship$1,000.00 scholarship is being offered to collegestudents of Polish ancestry by the Polish Cultural Clubof Greater Hartford, Inc. Applicants must be acceptedfor admission or enrolled in an accredited U.S. Collegeor university in pursuit of an initial undergraduatedegree. Visit, or call (860)659-0356, for an application and eligibilityrequirements.The deadline for submission is May 1, 2021.
- 2021 Ladies Guild Rev. Edward Zyskowski ScholarshipApplication forms for the 2021 Rev. Edward Zyskowski Scholarship, sponsored by the SS. Cyril and Methodius Ladies Guild, are available at the Church Rectory or by calling Gini Pudlo at 860-659-0356. Applicants must be accepted for admission or enrolled in an accredited U.S. College or university in pursuit of an undergraduate degree. Please refer to… Read more: 2021 Ladies Guild Rev. Edward Zyskowski Scholarship
- Lenten DevotionsBitter Lamentations will be said every Sunday after 11:30 a.m. Mass in Polish. Stations of the Cross will be said every Friday at 7:00 p.m. in Polish.
- NABOŻEŃSTWA WIELKOPOSTNEGorzkie Żale odprawiane będą w każdą niedzielę Postu po mszy o godz. 11:30 a.m. po polsku. Droga Krzyżowa odprawiana będzie w każdy piątek o godz. 7:00 wieczorem po polsku.
- 2021 Catholic Graduates Club of Greater Hartford Scholarship2021 Catholic Graduates Club of Greater Hartford scholarship
- COVID-19 Information & GuidelinesOn December 9, 2020, the Archdiocese of Hartford released a revised document containing information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and workship within the diocese. The document cane viewed by clicking on the link below:
- Dispensation from MassOn October 28, 2020, His Excellency, The Most Reverend Archbishop Blair, pursuant to the cannon of The Church, extended the dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation for Catholics within the Archdiocese of Hartford through the eve of Ash Wednesday, Tuesday, February 16, 2021.